Marching Keyboards

Marching Xylophones MXL-32A/ MXL-32AF (By order)
Ample volume and deep, clear tone in a compact instrument. The MXL-32A bars are rosewood, while the MXL-32AF bars feature an Acoustalon™ (FRP) material that maintains accurate pitch in the face of changing temperature and humidity.

Marching Bells MBL-832A (By order)
High-strength aluminum alloy tone bars are shot blasted and finished in Alumite, resulting in clear, well-defined tone. As in our concert glockenspiel, contact between the bars and suspension strings is reduced to a minimum to ensure full resonance. Marching Bell with aluminum alloy bars, processed by shotblast and alumite.

Marching Bells MBL-32A (By order)
High-strength aluminum alloy tone bars in an instrument ideally proportioned for marching.