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YMP-204MS (By order)
The 204MS/204M features a rich vibrant sound with excellent tonal projection. Yamaha R&D conducted extensive field tests with leading bands, and has redesigned the bracing for a more open 'free-blowing' feel.

YHR-302MS/M (By order)
The YHR-302MS/302M shares many of the same warm tonal colors as our concert models. But more than a traditional French horn, the 302MS/302M has been designed to project its rich tonal colors across the marching field

YBH-301MS/M (By order)
The YBH-301MS/301M is ideal for DCI style marching ensembles. It can add a unique voice to your band, darker than a trombone yet brighter than a euphonium, a very rich and strong sound.

YEP-201MS/M (By order)
The 201MS/201M is into a marching configuration model. It offers the versatility of a single instrument which is perfectly at home in either marching ensemble or in the concert hall.

YEP-202MS/M (By order)
This marching instrument offers the full deep tone of a concert euphonium thanks to the large bore bell throat.The entire design has been reinvented through countless evaluations with leading players.

YBB-105MS/M (By order)
The 105MS/105M is smaller and lightweight, allowing bands with small children to be able to march with a genuine tuba sound. Despite its smaller size, this instrument offers a surprisingly big tone.

YBB-201MS/M (By order)
The 201MS/201M is a tuba for those who need flexibility with their instruments. The same tuba is equally suited for use on the field or in a formal concert performance.

YBB-202MS/M (By order)
This has to be the ultimate tuba for any marching ensemble. The huge bell produces a massive sound, yet the 202MS/202M is easy to hold and easy to play.

YEB-201MS/M (By order)
This is a convertible version of the very popular YEB-201 Eb concert tuba which has been well-accepted by professional musicians.Though used in a marching configuration, this instrument's sound is virtually the same as that of a concert model: rich, warm and refined.

YSH-301/YSH-301S (By order)
The 301 Sousaphone features an ABS resin bell and FRP body for a big, tuba-style sound, while remaining lightweight and balanced for performance ease. It is extremely durable and weather resistant, and the bell front design enhances tonal projection

YSH-411/ YSH-411S (By order)
The 411 Sousaphone features a brass body and bell for an incredibly rich almost orchestral sound. The bell front design enhances tonal projection, while the intonation is state-of-the-art.