CVP-909 B

29200 d

The flagship model of the CVP Series, with the expressiveness of a grand piano, and hundreds of other instrument voices also available.

The CVP-900 Series comes with an array of Styles (accompaniments) featuring authentic instrument Voices created with the latest Yamaha technology and automatically providing accompaniments perfectly matched to your performance. This series lets you go beyond simply playing the piano, offering the opportunity to perform in an ensemble together with a variety of instruments for even more musical enjoyment.

  • CFX and Bösendorfer Imperial piano samplings, CFX Binaural sampling
  • VRM (Virtual Resonance Modeling)
  • GrandTouch™ Keyboard with Counterweights, 88-key Linear Graded Hammers
  • GP Response Damper Pedal
  • 1605 Voices + 58 Drum/SFX Kits + 480 XG Voices
  • 675 Styles
  • (40W + 30W + 20W) x 2 + 80W
  • (16cm + 5cm + 2.5cm (dome)) x 2 + 20cm speaker system, Spruce Cone Speaker, Twisted Flare Port
  • TFT color LCD (touch screen), 9.0 inch 800 x 480 dots
  • Built-in Bluetooth® audio
  • iOS app “Smart Pianist” integration (Song function only)
  • Weight: 82kg
  • Dimensions: width* height* depth- 142.6*86.8*61.2cm

Two world class concert grands in one digital piano
- The Yamaha CFX, our flagship 9’ concert grand piano, offers sparkling highs and a powerful resonant bass with a sound that projects to the furthest reaches of any concert hall. The Bösendorfer Imperial is a piano known throughout its long history for its classic Viennese sound. Both are outstanding pianos characterized by distinctive traits of power, versatility, subtlety and lightness. Both are found only in a Clavinova digital piano.

VRM physical modeling—the distinctive reverberation generated by the entire body of a concert grand piano
- In a grand piano, sound resonates throughout the body of the instrument, producing a rich reverberation that envelops the listener in sound. This phenomena is reproduced perfectly in the Clavinova through Virtual Resonance Modeling (VRM). It calculates the various states of the strings for each of the 88 notes on the keyboard, from one instant to the next, and timing and depth of damper pedals pressed. This technology allows for vivid, bright, richly-varied expression that reflects the limitless number of factors inherent in piano performance.

Built on a Legacy of Concert Grand Piano Craftsmanship
- Grand Piano keyboards are characterized by a light feel when played gently, and a heavier feel when played with more strength. Conversely, a non-grand piano keyboard has a uniform resistance regardless of whether the player uses a gentle or heavy touch. This has traditionally been one of the most significant differences between the touch of a grand piano and that of a digital piano. However, when developing GrandTouch keyboard action, Yamaha sought to reproduce the true key resistance that is unique to the grand piano, with greater fidelity. The result is an instrument with a more responsive touch, offering a greater dynamic range than ever before. Now you can experience a much more controlled, nuanced sound when playing softly, or powerful, brighter tones when playing with a stronger touch — just like that of a grand piano.

Escapement mechanism of Clavinova Keyboards
- The escapement mechanism in a grand piano moves the hammers away from the strings quickly after they strike them, in order to prevent any interference with string vibration. This mechanism produces a slight clicking sensation when the keys are pressed gently. Since Real Grand Expression offers players superb sound, touch and pedaling, we decided to create an escapement that delivers outstanding playability, repetition, and response without impeding performance. The Clavinova keyboards feature an escapement mechanism that reproduces this sensation near the bottom of the key dip. They have been designed in such a way that the click is discernible only on the lightest keystrokes, similar to the keyboard of a grand piano. These keyboards have been adjusted to provide additional friction that balances key repetition and response without impeding performance.

88-key Linear Graded Hammers—the first digital piano keyboard ever to feature realistic weighting on every key
- Every single key on a grand piano keyboard is weighted differently. This is because the strings for each note are slightly thinner and shorter in the treble register, becoming thicker and longer towards the bass register. The 88-key Linear Graded Hammers of the Clavinova is the first-of-its-kind to faithfully duplicate this graded touch with differing weights and key return on each one of its keys. This results in a feel and response that is astonishingly like that of a grand piano, and allows players to gain an appreciation of a more authentic touch.

Connect wirelessly for Bluetooth® audio
- You can play music through the audio system on the Clavinova by using a Bluetooth-enabled smart device. You can stream audio data such as mp3 files. You can enjoy playing along with any songs on your smart device.

Multi-track Song Recorder

- The recording function featured in Clavinova digital pianos allows you to record your performances* with a single touch, which is useful when you want to review your playing objectively. Additionally, you can record up to 16 tracks for simultaneous playback, so different hands can be recorded separately or overdub parts with different Voices.

* Recordings are made in MIDI format, and can also be recorded to USB flash memory. Compatible software is required for playback of recorded data on a computer.
